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Bio Sketch


Lea Lena is a senior majoring in health education and behavior at the University of Florida.  She serves as the historian for the national health education honorary, Eta Sigma Gamma - Alpha Lambda Chapter.  Currently, Lea is completing her internship at the Center of Innovation on Disability and Rehabilitation Research affiliated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. She intends to sit for the CHES exam in April 2017.  After earning her Bachelor of Science in health education and CHES credentials in April 2017, her future plans are to earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing followed by her Masters in Public Health.  Lea's five year career goal is to work as a public health nurse. 


The Unofficial Bio: I grew up in a military family.  My father is retired from the U.S. Navy and my husband is active duty army.  Given this lifestyle, I move often and I love doing it!  I have always been curious about other people and cultures.  Traveling is my favorite hobby.  To date, I have traveled to 23 countries in Europe, Central and North America, and the Caribbean.  My husband and I lived overseas in Germany for three years.  This allowed me the opportunity to work in Germany and the Czech Republic.  The photos you see in this portfolio are my personal photos taken around the globe.  Additionally, I love cooking, the ocean, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, kayaking, hiking, spending time with my son and husband, studying language (specifically Spanish, Italian, and German), coffee, painting, history, the Alps, Italy, Gator football, and photographing churches.



























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