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Lea Lena, BS, CHES

Bio Sketch


​I am a BSN candidate enrolled in the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at the University of Florida.  Currently, active in the EMBRACE program and a member of the University of Florida Nursing Student Association and the International  Nursing  Student Interest Group.  
I am a graduate of the 2017 class at the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in health education and behavior, and am a current member and former historian of the national health education honorary, Eta Sigma Gamma – Alpha Lambda Chapter.  Furthermore, I completed an internship at the Center of Innovation on Disability and Rehabilitation Research affiliated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and earned my Certified Health Education (CHES)  credentials in April 2017.  My future plans are to earn either a Master’s in Public Health, consequently enabling me to work as a public health nurse, followed by a DNP or enter a DNP program directly and work in oncology.  I also place high importance in Veteran's care. 
College of Nursing, University of Florida 

© 2019 by Lea Lena, BS, CHES 

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