University of Florida
Is Breakfast Ready Yet?
It has been a while since I have been on island time. Grenada reintroduced me to a laid back lifestyle. This took a day or two to adjust to but I eventually fell back into the pace of life in the Caribbean. It was nice to step out of the busy, pressured schedules we are use to in the U.S. and appreciate my surroundings and the culture. Maybe we had to wait a little longer than we are accommodated to for food or service, however those are the little things that make traveling a new and changing experience.
Oriented X2 to location and time.
This is not a physical assessment but a strategic plan for using the internet! We are so spoiled to whip out our phones and laptops in coffee shops, airports, hotels, and essentially anywhere else we travel, public or private. In Grenada, such convenience was not available. We learned being near the pool or some of our rooms worked better than others. We learned time of day helped because less people using WiFi meant faster uploads for pictures, school work, and our blog. WiFi is not available everywhere, which meant posts and texting would have to wait a while. What do we do without our phones!?!?! We enjoyed talking, the beauty that surrounded us, and laughing...a lot :)
The earth is not flat....Florida is!
Hills and cliffs and curves oh my! I did not prepare for the ride! I now know the next time I am in Grenada, to bring Dramamine. I would not have traded those beautiful drives for anything!!! So it was well worth it every single time!