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University of Florida
Home Visits.
Today, we traveled to Victoria in St. Marks to give in home care to the local communities. We divided our medical supplies, loaded our backpacks, and split into three teams. I was paired with Rebecca and once arriving in our community, we split up, Rebecca going with Ms. Hopkin and I with one of the community leaders. This was one of the most challenging and unique experiences I had in Grenada. We walked door to door through the villages, asking residents if they would like to get blood pressure and blood sugar checks and asking the women if they would like a breast exam. We set up care stations on front steps, kitchen tables, sofas, and outdoor seating. Talk about being innovative! I set up breast exam area's in bedrooms and living rooms. I thought, at first, the locals may feel awkward having me in their home. They opened the doors right up and were happy and gracious to welcome me in. They were truly grateful for receiving care. I assessed when they last saw a doctor and many told me it had been over a year or several years. Many of the women have never had a breast exam or have not had one since they were much younger. We passed out toothbrushes and toothpaste to each family member.
After visiting all the homes in one area, we walked back out to the street and found a group of gentlemen eager to have blood pressure and glucose readings. Ms. Hopkin and I set up a clinic right on the sidewalk! The wind did not work in our favor and I became rather crafty in learning to protect my supplies from being blown away while simultaneously delivering care. Many of the men had health problems they wanted to talk about on the spot, such as foot ulcers, breathing complications, and perfusion issues. We educated them on the steps they needed to take to see a doctor and the self-care they should practice in the meantime. We left all the people we visited with cards with their blood pressure and glucose readings and any other relevant information their doctor would need to know.
We were fortunate to be served yet another wonderful Grenadian meal from a group of ladies that work in the St. Marks communities. They prepared chicken, fish, potatoes, salad, and roti for us. We ate the roti with our hands, as this is the traditional method for eating this delicious local food. It was a true honor and humbling to serve the locals in their own homes. I was in awe of their warm spirit.
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